16 December 2012

Winner Hendrik de Vries Stipendium 2012

I am glad to announce that I won the Hendrik de Vries Stipend 2012! This enables me to work intensively on my project images from thin air and create a multi-media artwork which will be presented next year.

Image source: CBK Groningen, read the jury report (in dutch)

The exhibition of all six nominees with my project proposal is open until 06 january 2013 in CBK Groningen, Trompsingel 27, Groningen

Opening hours
wed - fri 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
sat - sun 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
closed on 26 december 2012

11 December 2012

Exhibition Nomination Hendrik de Vries Stipendium

I am nominated for the Hendrik de Vries Stipend and taking part in an exhibition in CBK Groningen! On thursday, 13 december 2012 at 16:30 the winners of the Stipend will be announced. Afterwards the exhibition with work by all 6 nominees will be opened.

Location: CBK Groningen, Trompsingel 27, Groningen
The exhibition is open until 6 january 2013.